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A Failed Pursuit at Perfection

Anchor 1

Welcome to my Maker Showcase - A Failed Pursuit at Perfection! On this site, you will discover more about the beginning stages of my journey as a Maker, particularly a journey riddled with a global pandemic, racial injustice, political unrest, environmental destruction, and more.  My showcase will be split into four parts, my philosophy, education, community, and projects - all as they related to the MakerVerse. The theme throughout this showcase is that the pursuit for perfection is unreleastic and that there is value in failing. I hope you enjoy.


To those who practice Zen Buddhism, the circle represents perfection and completion. For Christians, we believe that the number 7 represents perfection. God created the earth, the stars, the seas, the animals, and man in 7 days.

I think I'll leave perfection to God. 

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